PRC release NLE results June-July 2012 nursing board exam

The Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) announces Thursday afternoon August 23, 2012  that 27,823 out of 60,895 (45.69%) pass Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE). Results given after thirty six working days.

List of Passers June 2012 Nurse Licensure Examination (A-Q)
List of Passers June 2012 Nurse Licensure Examination (R- Z)
Top 10 June 2012 Nurse Licensure Examination
Top Performing Schools and Performance of Schools

[Update: NCR Passers Oathtaking]

NLE were held in different testing locations all over the country which include the cities of Manila, Baguio, Angeles, Cabanatuan, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Dagupan, Iloilo, Laoag, Legazpi, Lucena, Pagadian, Tacloban,Zamboanga and Tuguegarao.

Speculations Before the Release of Board Results:

Passing Rate
Many expect that the national passing rate is around 30-50% with over 60 thousand board takers. Last December 2011 NLE, around 34% passed the said exam of a total of 67,095 examinees.

Results Dominance
Which school do you think will dominate the top 10 and list of top performing school? This should be another basis for the enrollees which nursing school is good to choose from. CHED already released the names of top performing schools and revealed the low performing schools.

Based from the past results, best nursing schools are FEU,CEU,Manila Doctors College, Saint Paul University, West Visayas State University-La Paz, Southern Luzon State University (SLSU-Lucban), Saint Louis University, PLM, UST and UP-M.

Carl Balita Hints
Wed Aug 23 Update: Balita hints June-July 2012 NLE results release date: Carl E. Balita, multi-awarded entrepreneur, author, reviewer and owner of nursing review center gave hint for the possible release date of June-July 2012 NLE or known as June 2012 nursing board exam. By posting on Facebook Wednesday, August 22, 2012 it says that...... read more here.

The news of the possible date of release circulated over the web. Carl E. Balita got the good timing over his hints before the release. Now, we believe on him so much on how he got connections to PRC.

Congratulations to  passers! Good job. PRC Board News salutes on you.