Room Assignment: ECE, ECT board exam April 2017 released

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has released list of room assignment for April 2017 Electronics Engineer (ECE) and Electronics Technician (ECT) board exam.

Room Assignment: ECE, ECT board exam April 2017 released

The first ECE board exam this year will be conducted by the Board of Electronics Engineering (BEE) on Sunday and Monday, April 2-3 (ECE) and Tuesday, April 4 (ECT) in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cebu and Davao.

LIST OF PASSERS: April 2017 ECE, ECT board exam results

On March 20, PRC Baguio regional official posted complete list of room assignment with these important reminders to all takers: 1.) verify application number on the day of examination from room watchers/proctors and 2.) be punctual and report to your building/room assignment before 6:30 a.m. because late examiness will not be accepted.

Meanwhile, here are the additional instructions from PRC Central Office:

1. Bring the following: Notice of Admission (NOA), Official Receipt, pencils no. 1 or 2, black ball pens, metered-stamped window mailing envelope, long brown and long plastic envelopes.


3. Wear the prescribed dress code.


April 2017 Electronics Engineer (ECE)
April 2017 Electronics Technicians (ECT)

March 31 Update: PRC informs all examinees of Electronics Engineering Licensure Examination to be held on April 2 and 3, 2017 of the changes in the room assignments at the University of the East Manila. In this regard, examinees assigned in the rooms of UE – Former Dentistry (FD) will be transferred to UE – High School (HS) and UE – CCSS Building as follows:

room assignment Manila ECE UE
room assignment Manila ECE UE
Please take note of this program on exam day, proper attire, what to bring and prohibited inside examination rooms:

The BEE who will administer the exam is composed of Engr. Alnar L. Detalla, Chairman, Engr. Enrico Claro R. Delmoro and Engr. Herminio J. Orbe, Members.

The two-day examination for ECE board exam covers Mathematics (20%), Electronics Engineering (30%), General Engineering and Applied Sciences or GEAS (20%) and Electronics Systems and Technologies or EST (30%).

For ECT, examinations cover technical subjects, laws and ethics.

NOTE: Bookmark this site as we will also provide updates for the results of April 2017 ECE board exam.


In the same period last year, results were released in 3 working days after the exam. PRC named 917 out of 2,482 passed the Electronics Engineer Licensure Examination and 985 out of 1,196 passed the Electronics Technician Licensure Examination.


The second schedule of Electronics Engineer board exam this year is on October 21 and 22 (ECE) and October 23 (ECT). Opening of Online Processing is on July 25, 2017 while the deadline in filing is on September 25, 2017 for ECE.

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